1win Privacy Policy 

This document gives a detailed view of how 1win keeps your information safe in Lebanon. Remember, the bookmaker might change these privacy rules sometimes. The brand promises to tell you if anything important changes. 1win will send you emails or show notices on the site.

Data Types Collected by 1win

When you’re using 1win, the bookmaker needs to gather and manage your private information. The brand has different ways of doing this, falling into a few categories.

Information You Give Directly to 1win

While you’re browsing the 1win casino site, the bookmaker might ask for certain personal details. This could include things like your contact info or specific documents needed for signing up, verifying your account, anti-money laundering checks, fraud prevention, or when you require assistance.

Automatically Collected Details 

When you visit the 1win site in Lebanon, the bookmaker gathers certain details. This includes your IP address, operating system, and even the date, time, and URL you used to access the services. To gather this data, the brand uses cookies, as well as other tracking technologies and tools like Google Analytics. 

Transactional and Account Activity Details

1win also keeps track of the transactions you make on the site and your overall activity within your profile.

Details from Third Parties

The bookmaker might obtain additional details about you from other sources, like publicly available information or from trustworthy sources such as payment service providers.

Google Analytics

The company keeps track of how you interact with the site using Google Analytics. This helps the brand understand how often you visit, which pages you view, and where you came from before arriving here. But it doesn’t gather any personal details about you; instead, it just logs your IP address and the time of your visit. The bookmaker is committed to keeping the data it gathers from Google Analytics separate from anything that identifies you personally.

Google Analytics places a small cookie in your browser that allows it to recognize you when you return later. However, this cookie is only accessible to Google – they’re the only ones who can use it. How Google uses and shares the information it collects is outlined in its policies, like its Terms of Use and Privacy Policy.

If you prefer not to be recognized by Google Analytics during your future visits, you can disable cookies in your browser settings.

Data Retention Policies 

1win keeps different types of information for different lengths of time. Some details stay for a long time, while others can be erased if you ask. When erased, your details are safely removed from the company’s systems and only exist in a form that doesn’t identify you.

If you don’t choose to erase it, your details will stay in your profile for five years after you stop using it. This time is important for the company to follow laws and rules and to protect against possible issues after you stop using the services.